Madrid me está llamando y tengo que ir...
a rainy street in Madrid |
At the beginning of 2018 I visited Madrid, Spain for work and I fell in love. Es una ciudad muy bonita, y me encantó la gente, el idioma, la comida, y andar muchas millas por las calles.
When I got back from Madrid I saw a t-shirt online that said, "Madrid is calling and I must go..." (hence the title of this post), and that is exactly how I felt. At the time, I got back to LA and into my usual life and acting stuff there and decided to put a move on hold. However, a little over a year later (in February of 2019) I had decided to step away from acting, and it suddenly seemed like the perfect time to move to Spain!
¡Y ahora, queda menos de un mes para irme!
En preparación para mudarme, he estado practicando español con amigos (por Skype, mensajes, y en persona), con un programa de audio que se llama Pimsleur, y con flashcards. También he estado viendo series de España en Netflix (La Casa de Papel, Elite), y leyendo el primer libro de Harry Potter en español. I still have a lot to learn, but I love the process and I will definitely be able to get around once I arrive in Madrid (once there the plan is to limit myself to using only Spanish as much as possible so that I learn more quickly!).
I have a room in an apartment lined up in the center of the city, and I will be jumping right into a TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) certification program so that after the first month I can find jobs teaching English. When that first month of the certification finishes, I will then take a month of intensive Spanish classes while searching for (and starting) jobs. Then in the following months I will teach English during the day, take more advanced TEFL courses online, and take Spanish classes twice a week at night. ¡Me alegre mucho este plan!
I am writing these "letters" here to keep my friends and family back home updated. If you want to get the updates in email form, just click the subscribe button at the top and enter your email address. (Also, an open invitation to everyone: ¡por favor, visitadme en Madrid!)
Besos y abrazos,